AI Traffic Tweaks

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AI Traffic Tweaks

Post by perficad »

Hi there

Thank you Lockheed Martin for the latest version V6 and continuing to support this software. I only use it to follow and develop AI Traffic, as the MSFS AI engine is simply awful, I have stayed with P3D.

A few very simple requests here that do not require a new AI engine but simple parameter tweaks that are legacies left over from the old FSx days:

- The AI does not push back out of the parking gates far enough. It pushes part way and then spins around facing forward to drive the rest of the way, doing a ludicrous 180 degree turn spoiling the visual effect of the airport.
- AI traffic is not visible on 8x or 16x speed. Presumably this was when CPUs were much more primitive. I would love this to be an option to activate at these higher speeds.
- The AI disappears too quickly when waiting at a busy airport for take off. If there are lot of other aircraft landing it just simply disseapers in front of you spoiling the visual. Even just an extra 5 minutes added to this algorithm would stop most of the dropped aircraft.

Final one which may be more complex,.I'm not sure. Is there a way the AI could slow down on approach if another aircraft is in front, to reduce the number of go arounds, increasing the seperation between aircraft?
If any of these can be considered that would be amazing.

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